Doc Rock's

KK. Demetri Of The Rising Fall
The Rising Fall
“Can’t keep us down” is the mantra that newly-formed, original heavy rock group from the Chicago area, The Rising Fall lives by.
Formed in 2022, The Rising Fall is comprised of members that have known each other through the years with musical paths that have crossed in one way or the other.

Drawing from old-school influences with the likes of Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Kate Bush, Iron Maiden and Megadeth, to post 90’s artists such as Deftones, Nine Inch Nails, Evanescence, and Alice in Chains—The Rising Fall writes hook-based melodies that included high powered vocals, thought-provoking lyrics, driving guitar riffs and solos, and a progressive style rhythm section that combines the “old with the new” to make it uniquely their own.